Telugu Language

Telugu Language

Silicon Andhra ManaBadi

Encouraging young children to learn our Mother Tongue TELUGU would help them to develop confidence, self-esteem and their unique identity in the global world. With this as the mission SiliconAndhra started ManaBadi Telugu classes in April 2007. At present over 4300 students across 35 states in USA, 12 countries outside USA are learning Telugu with great interest. The parents and grandparents are thrilled about the results.

1716 Winston Street, San Jose CA 95131

(530) 830-2234

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Telugu Times Paatasala

Telugu Times, the First Global Telugu Newspaper, was launched in 2003 with a view to cater to the growing media needs of Telugu community. At that time the objective was to provide a Telugu newspaper to the community and we started with a tag line 'Mana Vaallu, Mana Bhasha’, specifying its objective as bringing 'Mana Bhasha' (Telugu) to 'Mana Vaallu’ (Telugu community).

68 S Abel St, San Jose, California 95035

(408) 933-9518‎

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